10 Main Avenue, Moor Park
Northwood, Middlesex, London HA6 2HJ
Moor Park Specialist Dental Centre


Read all the latest news from our practice.
Skip the implants healing period

Skip the healing period

If you are thinking about getting dental implants, one of the things that might be putting you off is the long waiting period between getting the implants fitted into your jawbone and having the crowns put on. At Moor Park Specialist Dental Centre, we are also an immediate dental implant centre in London. Using an

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immediate implants in London

Saving time with immediate implants in London

We are all pushed for time these days, despite all our time-saving gadgets, so if we can find ways to save even more of this elusive stuff, we will jump at the chance. One way that you can save time and hassle if you are getting dental implants is to opt for immediate implants in

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Restore missing teeth with immediate dental implants in London

Restore your missing teeth with immediate dental implants in London

For many years, dental implants have been a viable tooth replacement option for patients who have lost teeth. Traditional dental implants involve securing the implant into the jawbone, followed by a tooth restoration after a few months. This time is needed for the implant to attach itself to the jawbone and create a strong and

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Replace your teeth in one day

Replace your teeth in one day

It can often take a few months to get your missing teeth replaced, whether you’ve lost one in an accident or several because of decay. At Moor Park Dental in London, Same Day Teeth is a speedy technique we have for fitting long-lasting replacement teeth. This contemporary tooth-replacement method uses implant dentistry techniques and a

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No more waiting with immediate loading implants in London

No more waiting with immediate loading implants in London

In recent years, implant dentistry has greatly evolved and apart from traditional dental implants, patients can now take advantage of new techniques and methods of tooth replacement with dental implants. If you are about to lose a tooth, then immediate loading dental implants may be the right option for you. Immediate loading implants in London

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New teeth in one day

New teeth in one day

The pain of a lost tooth is often accompanied by embarrassment about the gap in your smile. At Moor Park Dental in London, immediate dental implants are a speedy and reliable way to restore your dental function and appearance. If you’ve fractured one of your front teeth in a dining mishap or a sporting injury,

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Do I really need to replace missing teeth

Do I really need to replace missing teeth?

To put it simply, yes, you do. Our teeth are a fundamental part of our digestive system as they are needed for chewing food. They also play an important role in speech and our physical appearance. For many years, there have been various attempts to try and solve the crisis of missing teeth. Bridges and

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Dental implants for super-busy people

Dental implants for super-busy people

We live in a global world and many of us lead lives that allow for very little spare time, and there’s only so much work you can miss for appointments. If you have to travel a lot already for work or are a busy mum whose every breath of time is taken up with sorting

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We Are Raising Money for Charity