10 Main Avenue, Moor Park
Northwood, Middlesex, London HA6 2HJ

Saving time with immediate implants in London

We are all pushed for time these days, despite all our time-saving gadgets, so if we can find ways to save even more of this elusive stuff, we will jump at the chance. One way that you can save time and hassle if you are getting dental implants is to opt for immediate implants in London, which we offer here at Moor Park Specialist Dental Centre.

Immediate Implants in LondonIf you are coming to us for dental implants, there is a good chance that you have been referred by one of the 300 or more general dentists who use our implant surgeon Dr Joe Bhat when their patients need dental implants.

If you have a long way to travel to see us, then making the trip might include the added expense of an overnight stay in the capital. If you’ve got to do this more than once, then the expense can really add up, and the time too.

That’s when you might choose to go for immediate implants in London, which are also known as same day teeth. The insertion procedure is the same as when you have normal dental implants. The difference is that we fit your permanent crowns on as soon as we have put the implants in place. Usually, you would have to wait a couple of months while the titanium implants integrate with your jawbone. With immediate implants in London, you don’t. It’s all done in the same appointment and you walk out with your lovely new crowns all in place, instead of a gap, or your old bridge or denture.

Having immediate implants does not mean that you don’t have to go through the osseointegration process. In fact, it is very important that you do, because this is when your implants are becoming one with your jawbone, creating that incredibly strong chewing base that will allow you to eat whatever you want. Which is why you choose to get implants in the first place, right? That and knowing you’ll never have to face the embarrassment of false teeth sliding around and popping out. So, you must take very good care of your immediate implants and allow this process to happen properly.