It can often take a few months to get your missing teeth replaced, whether you’ve lost one in an accident or several because of decay. At Moor Park Dental in London, Same Day Teeth is a speedy technique we have for fitting long-lasting replacement teeth. This contemporary tooth-replacement method uses implant dentistry techniques and a high level of skill to make sure you won’t have to wait too long to recover your natural dental function. Afterwards, you can enjoy all your favourite foods with no worries, and smile about the immediate improvement.
Same Day Teeth in London: The advantages of having Same Day Teeth in London
You may already know the idea behind dental implants: tiny metal posts are implanted into your jawbone, and high-quality replacement teeth are securely attached to the posts. The procedure sometimes requires a preliminary bone graft or sinus lift, to strengthen your bone structure before it receives the implants.
The process of Same Day Teeth in London maximises the potential of your existing bone structure, which means you won’t have to wait for preliminary work to be completed before you receive your new teeth. Very soon after the treatment is complete, you’ll be able to eat and speak as normal. Plus, you’ll enjoy the vastly improved dental abilities that result from the secure bond that forms between the jawbone and the implanted posts. The healing time is over quickly, but the improvements last for many years.
The process
Your friendly dental team will assess your suitability for this procedure. In London, the Same Day Teeth technique is can be used in a variety of cases, but is not suitable for every patient. Often, your assessment happens in the morning, and the implants are placed into your jawbone in the afternoon. You can leave the surgery with a whole new set of teeth, and start using them right away.
Long-lasting benefits
The cosmetic improvement will be obvious straight away when you’re out and about in London. Same Day Teeth look bright and professional, and this aesthetic enhancement can improve your overall self-confidence. You’ll be able to bite into and chew food with gusto, and you will also find that speaking is easier because your new teeth are more stable.