10 Main Avenue, Moor Park
Northwood, Middlesex, London HA6 2HJ

New teeth in one day

The pain of a lost tooth is often accompanied by embarrassment about the gap in your smile. At Moor Park Dental in London, immediate dental implants are a speedy and reliable way to restore your dental function and appearance. If you’ve fractured one of your front teeth in a dining mishap or a sporting injury, we may be able to use contemporary technology and skilful implant dentistry to get your mouth back to normal.

Immediate Dental Implants in LondonThe benefits of immediate dental implants in London

This procedure minimises disruption, and leaves you free to carry on as you were before you lost the tooth. You may already know that implant dentistry involves the placement of small titanium posts into the jawbone. Sometimes, preliminary work like a bone graft or a sinus lift is required before the implants can be placed by a dentist in London. Immediate dental implants place the titanium post into the existing tooth socket. As long as your jawbone and gums are in a suitable condition, we can give you the new tooth on the same day you come in for the consultation.

The new teeth look natural, and have great stability. The cosmetic improvement will be obvious straight away when you’re out socialising in London. Immediate dental implants are customised to blend in with your existing teeth, which helps you to maintain a professional appearance. This aesthetic enhancement might improve your self-confidence. You’ll also be able to enjoy biting into your favourite foods without worrying that the new tooth will fall out. Plus, there’s no need to use dental adhesives, which can be such a messy feature of life with other kinds of replacements like removable dentures.

Improved outlook

Your secure dental implant will last for many years. You look after it just like the rest of your teeth, so good oral hygiene is easy to achieve. When a tooth comes out, the thought of living for many years with a gap in your smile can be really upsetting. The friendly team at Moor Park Dental is happy to offer you the reassuring alternative of immediate dental implants in London.