10 Main Avenue, Moor Park
Northwood, Middlesex, London HA6 2HJ

Dental implants for super-busy people

We live in a global world and many of us lead lives that allow for very little spare time, and there’s only so much work you can miss for appointments. If you have to travel a lot already for work or are a busy mum whose every breath of time is taken up with sorting out your kids and their activities, fitting in an extra half-day to go to a dental appointment can seem like trying to achieve the impossible.

Immediate Loading in LondonThat’s where, if you have lost teeth and need to get them replaced, taking advantage of implants with immediate loading in London could be a great solution for you.

Immediate loading in London refers to a dental implant technique also known as same day teeth. This means that the implant process is condensed into one appointment of insertion surgery and crown fitting, instead of having two separate appointments interspersed with a two month or so healing period. You walk out with your brand-new teeth in place, instead of having your old dentures, bridge or gaps while the implants integrate with your jawbone.

If you are a super-busy person this could mean the difference between getting dental implants done now and putting it off to when you have enough time, which, as we all know, never comes.

Putting off having dental implants fitted is not a great idea because the more time you are living with gaps in your jawbone where tooth roots used to be, the more time your jawbone has to melt away. Jawbones start dissolving themselves when they’re not being stimulated by the presence of tooth roots. If you allow months to go by, or indeed years, you are more likely to be looking at a much longer process with even more appointments, when we have to rebuild your jawbone with bone grafts.

With immediate loading in London at Moor Park Specialist Dental Centre, it really is a case of more haste, more speed. You can either get your dentist to refer you or you can self-refer.

Why not come in for a detailed consultation and find out what we can do for you?